This website is a work in progress, and this page will simply list my plans for future content here:
Reworking Chamomile Comics to be more convenient to browse on mobile devices. For now, I recommend reading on if you wish to using a mobile device (however, reading here is ad-free).
Adding transcribed versions of Chamomile Comics to aid those who want to read the series but do not speak English as their first language or have visual impairments. If I have the time, I would like to create three types of transcript - straightforward transcriptions of all text in the comic, plain text with visual descriptions of panels (for the visually impaired), and simple language transcriptions (simplifying language by removing colloquialisms etc, for non-English speakers to more easily translate).
Continuing to upload older art that I feel still stands up to scrutiny or is comparable to my current quality.
Possibly figuring out a way to browse art by character/tag etc, or search for art (this is a low priority, as this can already be done fairly easily on my deviantART gallery and tumblr blog).